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Frequently Asked Questions

What is career confidence coaching?

Career confidence coaching is a highly effective practice which supports you in moving from where you are now, to where you want to be much quicker and more effectively than if you were to do it alone. 


It involves;


  • Working with a variety of powerful support tools, frameworks and exercises. 

  • Answering thought provoking questions that are designed to challenge your thinking.

  • The creation of a robust plan to help to ensure you achieve your goal.

  • Being held accountable to make sure you do what you commit to doing to get you to where you want to be.


Unlike therapy or counselling, coaching is future facing, we look forward instead of backwards.


Unlike training or mentoring I won’t tell you what to do or give you advice, you are your own best resource and everything you need is within you, I am just here to help you find it.


Working with me as your coach will enable you to unlock your potential, live in line with your values and become the best version of yourself. 

How do the coaching sessions work?

The first step is a complimentary call which will last up to 30 minutes and offer you the opportunity to discuss your current challenges and explore what you hope to gain from coaching. 

I will explain a bit more about how I work and how I can help you moving forwards. I will also be able to answer any questions that you may have so you know what to expect from your coaching experience. Book yours using the contact link below.


If we decide start working together, you will choose one of the coaching packages that most suit your current needs, I will;


  • Provide you with details of how to make payment.

  • Send you through the related supporting documentation for the package that you have chosen along with your contract to sign and return.

  • Send you with a reoccurring zoom link to use for all of our sessions.

  • Agree with you when you want the first session to be.


It’s as easy as that!

I want to start coaching now. What do I do?

If you think that coaching is for you or are unsure and would like more information, click below to book your complimentary consultation call today!

What do people have career confidence coaching for?

The women I support with career confidence coaching come to me for a variety of different reasons, however they all have the same thing in common; they feel unfulfilled in their career, know that they are not meeting their full professional potential and have something else that they want to be/do/have. 


Here are some of the things I help my clients with:

  • ​Feeling more confident in their current role.

  • Gaining career clarity.

  • Securing new roles/promotions.

  • Overcoming people pleasing.

  • Managing overwhelm. 

  • Setting, communicating, and upholding boundaries.

  • Improving wellbeing.

  • Overcoming/preventing Burnout. 

  • Changing career. 

  • Gaining new professional qualifications.

  • Cultivating a high-performance mindset.

  • Improving communication skills.

  • Letting go of perfectionism.

  • Facing fears of failure.

What are the benefits of career confidence coaching?

Coaching helps people move forwards in many mays including:


  • Creating awareness of and challenging unhelpful beliefs and assumptions.

  • Dealing with fear, self-doubt, and the inner critic.

  • Creating a clear vision of what you want to be/do/have.

  • Developing a greater range of choices when presented with challenges and opportunities.

  • Initiating action and stopping procrastination.

  • Realising and reaching your goals.

  • Unlocking and tapping into your full potential.

  • Raising your awareness and inviting new ways of thinking.

  • Challenging your current perceptions.

  • Creating a catalyst for change.

  • Living life more in alignment to your values.

Can career confidence coaching guarantee me the results I want?

No, that’s because I won’t get you your results that you want, that’s down to you.


Unfortunately, I don’t have a magic wand to wave (how good would that be?!)  but I do make the commitment to support you by offering you the following as your coach:​


  • Non-judgmental listening. A chance to open up about how you really feel without fear or criticism, judgement or opinion.

  • Space just for you. The opportunity to take a break from the chaos of life and spend time unapologetically focusing on you, your needs/wants and desires for once and make a robust plan to ensure you get to where you want to be this time.

  • Dedicated Support. I will have your back like nobody has ever had it before. I will walk with you side by side offering unwavering encouragement every step of the way cheering you on and pushing you forwards. 

  • Accountability. When you lose sight of why you started, things don’t go to plan or you begin to doubt yourself, instead of giving up like before, I will be there to gently but firmly keep you on track, so you make it this time.

    Still wondering if I am the best person to support you? Click here to see the qualifications and experience I have.​

    Still unsure? Click here to read what other people have said about working with me.​

    Not quite made your mind up? Click contact below to get in touch, you can book a complimentary consultation call where you can meet me and make your mind up for yourself.

    It’s so important that you work with the right coach for you, so there won’t ever be any pressure from me.

What do I need to do to make coaching work for me?

I’ve found that the people that have truly transformational results from coaching are those that are brave, take action despite feeling scared and make things happen.


So, make yourself a promise that you’ll squeeze every drop out of your coaching experience because if you do, you’ll see a phenomenal difference.


My expectations of you are;


  • You will show up ready and willing to answer thought provoking and challenging questions.

  • You will be prepared to take action that will enable you to move forwards even when it feels uncomfortable.

  • You will take responsibility for your own progress.

  • You will be focussed and distraction free during our sessions.

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